urology Testimonials

Urological Treatment

Authored by : Verified Patient

Patient Testimonial

Complex Urethral Surgery

Authored by : Mr. Saud Fahad A

I had undergone treatment for my prostate in Germany 5 years back. Now I developed urethral stricture, I had lot of problem passing urine. I came to Dr MAhendra Jain for the treatment. He performed a complex urethral surgery after which I am voiding urine with out any problems.

He was very kind and very good surgeon. May God bless him.

After Complex Urethral Surgery

Long Standing Urinary Problem

Authored by : Mr. Alex

Mr Alexis is aged 72 yrs from East Africa was treated for his long standing urinary problem with a complex surgery. Now he is back in his country very happy.

Alexis: " I had problem of urine voiding for many years. I came to India for a surgery in pituitary, after that I was treated with a complex surgery by Dr Mahendra Jain. Now I am completely relieved of the problem. I am very happy with the Doctor and the Fortis hospital at Bangalore"

Dr. Mahendra Jain With Mr. Alex of Rwanda, East Africa

Dr. Mahendra Jain With Mr. Alex of Rwanda, East Africa

Verified patient

Authored by : Verified patient

Dr Mahendra Jain- urologist-bangalore- with patient

Patient success stories are mostly personal experiences of various people who have been provided care by our experienced team of doctors and medical staff and nurses.

Many of them prefer to remain anonymous for various personal reasons.However they value the relationship with us and are willing to give direct feedback regarding care provided by us to anybody who like to make an informed choice of medical care at our facility.


In case you require the contact details of any of the patients for a private email or telephonic communication do place a request and we would provide you the details at the earliest.

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Dr. Mahendra Jain

MBBS.MS.MCh.DNB Consultant Urologist

Dr Mahendra Jain is an eminent and an extremely experienced Urologist ...

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